Monday, December 17, 2007

Still numb.

Subconsciously, I've been restless & losing sleep for the last couple of days. And when it hit me, I broke down. It's been three years since she was gone. And just like the day it happened, I am still numb.


Once I found a place I truly treasured; the only place in this world where I feel most assured. Then, someone else was chosen to occupy it. Even so, I had hoped to perhaps stop by there once in a while...rekindling whatever little nostalgia I could from the place.

Then it was gone. All gone.


Every so often, the memory of that day entered my mind. Be as it may, even if we're never together in the end, she was everything to me. The home that I always longed for.

One day, I wished to walk into such home...and be welcomed with its' embrace.

"Welcome home, dear. Welcome home."

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