Thursday, October 09, 2008

Post-Raya Withdrawal

First entry since after Hari Raya, and that means I could eat lunch again...and consequently gained back all the weight I've lost during the fasting month. I know, I know. My willpower was next to nothing. To make things worse, I recently found a new love: Big Apple's Donuts. Mmm-mmm, so good.

Raya has been...largely uneventful. Tiring at times (since I'm the unofficial family driver) and just plain nuts. On Sunday (5th Oct) the traffic was pretty bad everywhere due to people getting back from their kampungs and back to work. My younger bro was supposed to take the express bus back to his college in Kuantan that night at 10.45pm. The bus managed to finally arrive after midnight...but then I heard a collective groan (and one guy actually yelled) when the bus is apparently broken down. Some other people had been waiting for their 8pm bus, which arrived later at around...1am. I have never seen a group of people with fiery homicidal urges in their eyes. It's a war zone out there. My bro's group eventually got a replacement bus the following day at 5.30pm...which also, you guessed it, arrived LATE. ONE FUCKING HOUR LATER.

Fuck Transnasional. I really mean it. You fuckers screwed up when other no-name bus companies still able to provide buses. One time, my mother and sis was left behind by a Transnasional express bus when they were in the toilet. So you guys pissed off when a passenger is taking their time? How is it that you could let people wait endlessly for a bus that is eventually broken...and not even making an announcement about it???!!!! SO FUCK YOU, FUCK YOU, FUCK YOU and FUCK YOU, YOU FUCKING ASSHOLES! Oh, was my language too harsh for you? hoo hoo, assholes deserved no respect. Get a fucking grip and improve your act, and don't ever toy with customers when things go awry!

Wow...that's too much anger in one post. I am spent now, and goddammit I gotta find the energy to continue work.

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