Wednesday, January 23, 2008


"I wished we had never met."

A plea to escape the pain, or to deal with a loss. Oh, but unfortunately we can't alter our life events at will.

At times we see someone mourn the loss of a beloved one. At one time exhilarated, now engulfed with sadness. Alas, it's only our inclination to do so. Human nature.

Of course no one craves a tragedy. No one in their right mind would want to lose what they've got. But, like so many things in life, this is just something beyond our control. Brief or everlasting, how we spend it is what counts.

When, against our wishes, all that we treasured are taken away from us...if that's the end of it, then that's it. You've tried everything to save it. As for how to deal with it...heck, even I have to admit, I didn't always dealt with it positively. Do whatever that needs to be done, just remember: we will carry on. Our spirits may be crushed at the moment, but in due will heal.

To have it for an instant, or to live an eternity without. Which road you'd rather take?

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