Monday, November 26, 2007

Little reason.

Some people just need a little reason to wage wars.
While some rebelled for their cause, the opportunists simply seek to revel in the fire. Or worse, nurture that spark into an inferno.

While the fight or cause are indeed just, unfortunately there will be others joining further their own motives. And at the slightest hint of crisis, they turned the other way. Spineless bastards who always bet on the seemingly winning team.

And in the midst of it all, I watched. In a weird mixture of wonderment, disgust and jealousy. Nevertheless, I have yet to possess the means to venture beyond the stance of a mere observer.
Far too long had I been envious of the world...of others who reigned in this world.
I realized that all I had to do is shape my own.

My own world. My blazing sword. My war.

Who are you in my world?

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